Friday, September 18, 2009

Bitches n assholes

Haven't touched this blog in ages...
but here i am bloggin again because of someone... haihz
freedom of speech rite!!

Here's something y do bitch act as bitch ? They like it doggy style ?! LOL
well girls if u're hot be a bitch if u're not fuck off (kidding)... *especially the 2 idiots in my college class so not hot... bitches! Failed

Girl bitch 1 (hot): OMG like your dress is so fugly...
Guys : agreed

Girl bitch 2 ( UGLY): OMG like what r u wearing it's like so ugly
Guys: Wtf u talking (FAILED!)

personality counts
1. if u're hot then u're a bitch if u're aren't a bitch yet... be 1... LOL
2. if u're pretty *not hot but pretty* be caring
3. if u're ugly be loving and understanding

Why do guys act like assholes ? Yet again same goes...
If your hot be 1.... bitchy girls will be attracted 2 u *they r hot girls lol
Guys act as ass holes 2 portray that they're manly ? Don't think so... *note:Lu Da Cas
If u wanna be an ass be good at it... be the best...
Isn't that what everybody's trying 2 do now ? LOL

But who am i 2 judge i'm just talking bullshit here lol

take a -------->
*looks more like shit LOL

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